Preparing for IEP Meetings with the School

Preparing for IEP Meetings with the School
  • Review your child’s existing IEP and goals. Have they made progress? If so, write down the areas of progress,
    and also note areas where you feel they’ve regressed or are not making progress. This information is critical
    for the IEP team in determining the best action plan for your child.
  • Consider asking the team about the process of monitoring your child’s progress. What will progress monitoring
    look like and how often can you expect to receive updates on your child’s progress towards his/her goals?
    Consider keeping a log documenting the services your child is receiving, including dates and duration of
    those services.
  • What worked/didn’t work with the existing distance learning during mandated closures? Did you identify new
    strategies and/or methods that improved your child’s learning? Were there areas where your child may have
    struggled, and you were unsure as to how to support your child? This information will be helpful when
    developing your child’s goals and services in their IEP.
  • Consider requesting copies of any new assessments (formal and informal), and other data prior to your child’s
    IEP meeting.
  • Communicate with your school team and be ready to support your child’s learning. If you are anxious, nervous
    or unsure how to support your child, ask your child’s team for ideas. Counseling and training for parents to
    gain the skills needed to support the implementation of their child’s IEP may be available as a related service.
    Be pro-active and educate yourself about COVID-19 and its impact on your child’s education. Stay connected
    with PIC for all the latest information!
  • Your role and feedback in this process are critical. The following list outlines steps you can take and questions to
    consider to work with the IEP team in identifying the best course of action to ensure your child’s needs are met.

Information taking from ‘Preparing for the School Year – COVID-19: Tips for Families of students with an IEP’


Additional Resources


IEP Meeting Prep Sheet

Preparing for Virtual IEP Meetings


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