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Overview of Indicators 3 & 17

This session will focus on areas related to school-aged children participating in statewide assessments including: Participation and performance of children with IEPs in statewide assessments Proficiency rates for children with disabilities Gaps in proficiency rate for students with disabilities. Presented by Joyce Leatherbury & Jalee Pernol     Please complete surveys here: Indicator 5 Survey […]

Overview of Indicator(s) 1 & 2 and 13 & 14

Overview of Indicator(s) 1 & 2 and 13 & 14 Presented by Dale Matusevich This session will focus on areas relating to school aged children: Number of students with disabilities graduating from high school with a regular diploma Number of students with disabilities dropping out of school Percent of students with measurable post-secondary goals Number […]

Preparing for School Meetings

Do you have a parent/teacher meeting coming up? Is your child’s school scheduling IEP and 504 meetings? Come and learn about how you can negotiate and problem solve with your child’s teachers and school staff and effectively advocate for your family.

Making Up for Lost Time: Let’s Talk About Recovery Services

Recovery services provide additional special education and related services to students with disabilities and are designed to address lack of appropriate progress on IEP goals, due to missed or limited special education as a result of the pandemic.   Parent Information Center of Delaware was joined by Dr. Sarah Celestin, Dr. Jeff Conrad and Dr. […]

Endrew F Case and its Impact on Students with Disabilities- ESP

Larry Ringer, Director of Training, Parent Information Center of Delaware. In this Webinar, we will discuss the United States Supreme Court’s 2017 decision in the Endrew F case, in which the Court held that each child with a disability is entitled to have the child’s IEP include ambitious goals in light of the child’s unique […]

Age of Majority and Self Advocacy Tips for Students and their Families- ESP

Turning 18 is significant for any youth, but for a student receiving special education services, it brings with it an additional responsibility. This is the time that a student will discuss with her IEP team the rights she may assume when she turns 18, or what is also known as “the age of majority”. This […]

Overview of Manifestation Determination Meeting- ESP

The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) has very specific procedures for disciplining students with disabilities who violate a code of student conduct. Students with disabilities can be suspended, however these provisions require school teams to review a student’s behavior to ensure a student is not repeatedly suspended for behaviors directly related to his/her disability. This […]

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